Chanting Shiva Sahasranama Names for Blessings

The Shiva Sahasranama is a collection of 1000 names of Lord Shiva. Chanting these powerful names can help devotees overcome their miseries and enjoy happiness, peace and prosperity. Read the Shiv 1000 names meaning and significance below:

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1000 Names of Lord Shiva

Founded in the Shiva Mahapurana, each name in Shiva Sahasranavali is dedicated to Lord Shiva's different qualities and powers. Recite all 1000 names of Lord Shiva listed below to bring peace and prosperity to your life.

Sr No.1000 Names Of ShivaMantra in EnglishMeaning in English
1SivaOm Sivaya NamahThe Auspicious One
2HaraOm Haraye NamahThe Remover of Sins
3MridaOm Mridaye NamahThe Compassionate One
4RudraOm Rudraye NamahThe Fierce One
5PushkaraOm Pushkaraye NamahThe Benevolent One
6PushpalochanaOm Pushpalochanaye NamahThe One with Flower-like Eyes
7ArthigamyaOm Arthigamyaye NamahThe One Whose Worship is Prosperous
8SadacharaOm Sadacharaye NamahThe One Who Follows Right Conduct
9SharvaOm Sharvaye NamahThe Destroyer
10ShambhuOm Shambhaye NamahThe Source of All Joy
11MaheshvaraOm Maheshvaraye NamahThe Supreme Lord
12ChandrapidaOm Chandrapidaye NamahThe One Who Wears Moon on Head
13ChandramouliOm Chandramouliye NamahThe One Who Has Moon on Head
14VishvaOm Vishvaye NamahThe Universe
15VishvamareshvaraOm Vishvamareshvaraye NamahLord of the Universe and the Gods
16VedantasarasandohaOm Vedantasarasandohaye NamahEssence of the Vedantic teachings
17KapaliOm Kapaliye NamahThe One Who Has a Skull
18NilalohitaOm Nilalohitaye NamahThe One Who Has a Blue Neck
19DhyanadharaOm Dhyanadharaye NamahThe Support of Meditation
20AparicchedyaOm Aparicchedyaye NamahThe Infinite, Unbounded One
21GauribharataOm Gauribharataye NamahThe Beloved of Goddess Gauri
22GaneshvaraOm Ganeshvaraye NamahLord of Ganesha
23AshtamurtiOm Ashtamurtiye NamahThe One Who Has Eight Forms
24VishvamurtiOm Vishvamurtiye NamahThe One Who Embodies the Universe
25TrivargasvargasadhanaOm Trivargasvargasadhanaye NamahThe One Who Provides the Threefold Goal
26JnanagamyaOm Jnanagamyaye NamahThe One Who is Attained through Knowledge
27DridaprajnaOm Dridaprajnaye NamahThe One with Steadfast Wisdom
28DevadevaOm Devadevaye NamahThe God of Gods
29TrilochanaOm Trilochanaye NamahThe One with Three Eyes
30VamadevaOm Vamadevaye NamahThe One Who is Beautiful, Blissful
31MahadevaOm Mahadevaye NamahThe Great God
32PatuOm Patuye NamahThe Protector
33ParivridaOm Parivridaye NamahThe One Who is Complete and Full
34DridaOm Dridaye NamahThe Unshakable One
35VishvarupaOm Vishvarupaye NamahThe One Who Has All Forms
36VirupakshaOm Virupakshaye NamahThe One with a Twisted Eye
37VagishaOm Vagishaye NamahThe Lord of Speech and Knowledge
38ShuchisattamaOm Shuchisattamaye NamahThe Purest and Highest
39SarvapramanasamvadiOm Sarvapramanasamvadaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of All Evidence
40VrishankaOm Vrishankaye NamahThe One Who has the Bull as His Emblem
41VrishavahanaOm Vrishavahanaye NamahThe One Who Rides the Bull
42IshaOm Ishaye NamahThe Lord of All
43PinakiOm Pinakiye NamahThe Bearer of the Pinaka Bow
44KhatvangaOm Khatvangaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Khatvanga Weapon
45ChitraveshaOm Chitraveshaye NamahThe One with a Beautiful Appearance
46ChirantanaOm Chirantanaye NamahThe Eternal One
47TamoharaOm Tamoharaye NamahThe Remover of Darkness
48MahayogiOm Mahayogaye NamahThe Supreme Yogi
49GuptaOm Guptaye NamahThe Hidden One
50BrahmaOm Brahmaye NamahThe Creator
51DhurjatiOm Dhurjataye NamahThe One Who Has the Blemish of Ashes
52KalakalaOm Kalakalaye NamahThe Time of All Times
53KrittivasahOm Krittivasahaye NamahThe One Who Wears the Skin of Kritti (sage)
54SubhagaOm Subhagaye NamahThe Auspicious One
55PranavatmakaOm Pranavatmakaye NamahThe One Who is Symbolized by Om
56UnnadhraOm Unnadhraye NamahThe One Who Raises and Uplifts
57PurushaOm Purushaye NamahThe Supreme Being
58JushyaOm Jushyay NamahThe One Who is Worshipped
59DurvasaOm Durvasaye NamahThe Sage Known for His Anger
60PurashasanaOm Purashasanaye NamahThe One Who Has Authority Over All Creation
61DivyayudhaOm Divyayudhaye NamahThe One Who Wields Divine Weapons
62SkandaguruOm Skandaguraye NamahThe Teacher of Skanda (Lord Kartikeya)
63ParameshthiOm Parameshtaye NamahThe Supreme Lord, Master of the Universe
64ParatparaOm Paratparaye NamahThe Supreme, Beyond All
65AnadimadhyanidhanaOm Anadimadhyanidhanaye NamahThe One Who is Beginning, Middle, and End
66GirishaOm Girishaye NamahThe Lord of the Mountains
67GirijadhavaOm Girijadhavaye NamahThe Husband of Goddess Parvati (Giri means Mountain)
68KuverabandhuOm Kuverabandhoye NamahThe Relative of Kubera (God of Wealth)
69ShrikanthaOm Shrikanthaye NamahThe One Who has Goddess Lakshmi as His Consort
70LokavarnottamaOm Lokavarnottamaye NamahThe One Who is the Supreme among all beings
71MriduOm Mriduye NamahThe Gentle One
72SamadhivedyaOm Samadhivedyaye NamahThe One Who is Experienced in Meditation
73KodandiOm Kodandaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Bow
74NilakanthaOm Nilakanthaye NamahThe One with the Blue Throat
75ParashvadhiOm Parashvadhaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Axe
76VishalakshaOm Vishalakshaye NamahThe One Who has Vast Eyes
77MrigavyadhaOm Mrigavyadhaye NamahThe One Who is the Hunter of Deer
78SureshaOm Sureshaye NamahThe Lord of the Gods
79SuryatapanaOm Suryatapanaye NamahThe One Who is the Sun’s Heat
80DharmadhamaOm Dharmadhamaye NamahThe One Who is the Abode of Dharma (Righteousness)
81KshamakshetraOm Kshamakshetraye NamahThe Field of Patience
82BhagavanaOm Bhagavanaye NamahThe Blessed One, the Supreme Lord
83BhaganetrabhidaOm Bhaganetrabhidaye NamahThe One Who has the Eye of the Lord of the World
84UgraOm Ugraye NamahThe Terrible One
85PashupatiOm Pashupataye NamahThe Lord of All Living Beings (Master of Animals)
86TarkshyaOm Tarkshyaye NamahThe One Who is the Eagle, Symbol of Lord Vishnu
87PriyabhaktaOm Priyabhaktaye NamahThe One Who is Loved by Devotees
88ParantapaOm Parantapaye NamahThe One Who is the Destroyer of Enemies
89DattaOm Dattaye NamahThe One Who is Given or Donated
90DayakaraOm Dayakaraye NamahThe Compassionate One
91DakshaOm Dakshaye NamahThe One Who is Skilled or Capable
92KarmandiOm Karmandaye NamahThe One Who Performs All Actions
93KamashasanaOm Kamashasanaye NamahThe One Who Controls Desires
94ShmashananilayaOm Shmashananilayaye NamahThe One Who Dwells in Cremation Grounds
95SukshaOm Sukshe NamahThe One Who is Subtle
96ShmashanasthaOm Shmashanasthaye NamahThe One Who Resides in the Cremation Grounds
97MaheshvaraOm Maheshvaraye NamahThe Supreme Lord, Lord of the Universe
98LokakartaOm Lokakartaye NamahThe Creator of the World
99MrigapatiOm Mrigapataye NamahThe Lord of the Deer
100MahakartaOm Mahakartaye NamahThe Great Creator
101MahaushadhiOm Mahaushadhaye NamahThe Supreme Medicine (Healer)
102UttaraOm Uttaraye NamahThe Ultimate, the Final One
103GopatiOm Gopataye NamahThe Lord of the Cows (Protector of Cattle)
104GoptaOm Goptaye NamahThe Protector of the Universe
105JnanagamyaOm Jnanagamyaye NamahThe One Who is Attained by Knowledge
106PuratanaOm Puratanaye NamahThe Ancient One
107NitiOm Nitiye NamahThe Lord of Righteousness and Discipline
108SunitiOm Sunitaye NamahThe One Who has Good Conduct
109ShuddhatmaOm Shuddhatmaye NamahThe One with a Pure Soul
110SomaOm Somaye NamahThe Moon, the Nectar
111SomarataOm Somarataye NamahThe One Who is Devoted to Soma (Moon)
112SukhiOm Sukhiye NamahThe One Who Brings Happiness
113SomapaOm Somapaye NamahThe One Who Drinks the Nectar of the Moon
114AmritapaOm Amritapaye NamahThe One Who Drinks Nectar (Immortality)
115SunyaOm Sunyaye NamahThe Void, the Empty One
116MahatejahOm Mahatejaye NamahThe One with Great Radiance
117MahadyutiOm Mahadyutaye NamahThe One with Supreme Brilliance
118TejomayaOm Tejomayaye NamahThe One Who is Made of Radiance
119AmritamayaOm Amritamayaye NamahThe One Who is Made of Nectar
120AnnamayaOm Annamayaye NamahThe One Who is Made of Food (Sustainer)
121SudhapatiOm Sudhapatiye NamahLord of Nectar, the Divine One
122AjatashatruOm Ajatashatraye NamahThe One Who has No Enemies (One who is invincible)
123AlokaOm Alokayee NamahThe One Who is Beyond Darkness (Light)
124SambhavyaOm Sambhavyaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of All
125HavyavahanaOm Havyavahanaye NamahThe One Who Carries Offerings (Fire)
126LokakaraOm Lokakaraye NamahThe Creator of the World
127VedakaraOm Vedakaraye NamahThe Creator of the Vedas
128SutrakaraOm Sutakaraye NamahThe One Who Holds the Thread of Creation
129SanatanaOm Sanatanaye NamahThe Eternal One
130MaharishiOm Maharishaye NamahThe Great Sage
131KapilacharyaOm Kapilacharyaye NamahThe Teacher Kapila (One of the ancient sages)
132VishvadiptiOm Vishvadiptaye NamahThe One Who is the Light of the Universe
133VilochanaOm Vilochanaye NamahThe One Who Has Eyes Everywhere
134PinakapaniOm Pinakapaniye NamahThe One Who Holds the Pinaka Bow
135BhudevaOm Bhudevaye NamahThe God of Earth
136SvastidaOm Svastidaye NamahThe One Who Brings Auspiciousness
137SvastikritaOm Svastikritaye NamahThe One Who Makes Things Auspicious
138SudhiOm Sudhiye NamahThe One Who is Pure
139DhatridhamaOm Dhatridhamaye NamahThe One Who is the Abode of the Creator (Dharma)
140DhamakaraOm Dhamakaraye NamahThe One Who Causes the Universe to Move
141SarvagaOm Sarvagaye NamahThe One Who is Present Everywhere
142SarvagocharaOm Sarvagocharaye NamahThe One Who is Beyond Reach
143BrahmasrikaOm Brahmasrikaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Brahma's Essence
144VishvasrikaOm Vishvasrikaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of All Things
145SargaOm Sargaye NamahThe Creator of the Universe
146KarnikaraOm Karnikaraye NamahThe One Who Holds the Lotus in His Hand
147PriyaOm Priyaye NamahThe Beloved One
148KaviOm Kavaye NamahThe Sage, the Poet
149ShakhaOm Shakhaye NamahThe One Who is the Branch of the Universe (Tree of Life)
150VishakhaOm Vishakhaye NamahThe One Who has Numerous Branches
151GoshakhaOm Goshakhaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Branch of the Cow
152SivaOm Sivate NamahThe Auspicious One
153BhishakaOm Bhishakaye NamahThe One Who is the Physician of the World
154AnuttamaOm Anuttamaye NamahThe One Who is Supreme
155GangaplavodakaOm Gangaplavodakaye NamahThe One Who is Immersed in the Water of the Ganga
156BhavyaOm Bhavyaye NamahThe One Who is Auspicious and Grand
157PushkalaOm Pushkalaye NamahThe One Who is Full of Beauty and Purity
158SthapatiOm Sthapataye NamahThe Creator of Form (Architect)
159SthiraOm Sthiraye NamahThe Steady One
160VijitatmaOm Vijitatmaye NamahThe One Who Conquers His Soul
161VishayatmaOm Vishayatmaye NamahThe One Who is the Soul of All Beings
162BhutavahanaOm Bhutavahanaye NamahThe One Who Carries All Living Beings
163SarathiOm Sarathaye NamahThe Charioteer (Guide)
164SaganaOm Saganaye NamahThe One Who is Accompanied by All
165GanakayaOm Ganakayaye NamahThe One Who is the Teacher of Music
166SukirtiOm Sukirtaye NamahThe One Who is Renowned for Good Deeds
167ChinnasamshayaOm Chinnasamshayaye NamahThe One Who is Free from Doubt
168KamadevaOm Kamadevaye NamahThe God of Love
169KamapalaOm Kamapalaye NamahThe One Who Protects Desires
170Bhasmoddhulita-vigrahaOm Bhasmoddhulita-vigrahaye NamahThe One Whose Body is Covered with Ashes
171BhasmapriyaOm Bhasmapriyay NamahThe One Who Loves Ashes
172BhasmashayiOm Bhasmashayaye NamahThe One Who Sits on Ashes
173KamiOm Kamaye NamahThe One Who is Desired by All
174KantaOm Kantaye NamahThe Beloved One
175KritagamaOm Kritagamaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Sacred Knowledge
176SamavartaOm Samavartaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of the Cycle of Creation
177NivritatmaOm Nivritatmaye NamahThe One Who is Free from Attachments
178DharmapunjaOm Dharmapunjaye NamahThe One Who is the Honor of Dharma
179SadashivaOm Sadashivaye NamahThe Ever Auspicious One
180AkalmashaOm Akalmashay NamahThe One Who is Without any Defects
181ChaturvahuOm Chaturvahuye NamahThe One Who has Four Arms
182DurvasaOm Durvasaye NamahThe One Who is Invincible and Fierce
183DurasadaOm Durasadaye NamahThe One Who is the One Beyond Reach
184DurlabhaOm Durlabhaye NamahThe One Who is Hard to Find
185DurgamaOm Durgamaye NamahThe One Who is Difficult to Reach
186DurgaOm Durgaye NamahThe Invincible, the Protector
187SarvayudhavisharadaOm Sarvayudhavisharadaye NamahThe One Who is Master of All Weapons
188AdhyatmayoganilayaOm Adhyatmayoganilayaye NamahThe One Who Dwells in the Practice of Spiritual Meditation
189SutantuOm Sutantaye NamahThe One Who is the Thread of Creation
190TantuvardhanaOm Tantuvardhanaye NamahThe One Who Expands the Threads of Creation
191ShubhangaOm Shubhangaye NamahThe One Who is Auspicious and Radiant
192LokasarangaOm Lokasarangaye NamahThe One Who is the Creator of the Universe
193JagadishaOm Jagadishaye NamahThe Lord of the Universe
194JanardanaOm Janardanaye NamahThe One Who Helps the People (Destroyer of Evil)
195BhasmashuddhikaraOm Bhasmashuddhikaraye NamahThe One Who Purifies with Ashes
196MeruOm Meruye NamahThe One Who is the Mountain of Knowledge
197OjasviOm Ojasviye NamahThe One Who is Full of Vital Energy
198ShuddhavigrahaOm Shuddhavigrahaye NamahThe One Who has a Pure Form
199AsadhyaOm Asadhyaye NamahThe One Who Cannot Be Conquered
200SadhusadhyaOm Sadhusadhyaye NamahThe One Who is the Goal of the Sadhus (Saints)
201BhrityamarkatarupadhrikaOm Bhrityamarkatarupadhriyaye NamahThe One Who is the Form of the Monkey God (Hanuman)
202HiranyaretaOm Hiranyaretaye NamahThe One Who has Golden Semen (Creator)
203PuranaOm Puranaye NamahThe Ancient One, the Source of All
204RipujivaharaOm Ripujivaharaye NamahThe One Who Destroys Enemies and Brings Life
205BalaOm Balaye NamahThe Young One, the Child God
206MahahradaOm Mahahradaye NamahThe One Who Dwells in the Great Ocean
207MahagartaOm Mahagartaye NamahThe One Who Dwells in the Great Pit (Cemetery)
208VyaliOm Vyalaye NamahThe Terrible, Fierce One
209SiddhavrindaravanditaOm Siddhavrindaravanditaye NamahThe One Who is Adored by the Assembly of Siddhas
210VyaghracharmambaraOm Vyaghracharmambaraye NamahThe One Who Wears Tiger Skin
211MahabhutaOm Mahabhutaye NamahThe One Who is the Great Element
212MahanidhiOm Mahanidhaye NamahThe One Who is the Great Treasure
213AmritashaOm Amritashaye NamahThe One Who has the Nectar of Immortality
214AmritavapuOm Amritavapaye NamahThe One Who has the Form of Nectar
215PanchajanyaOm Panchajanyaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Conch (Symbol of Vishnu)
216PrabhanjanaOm Prabhanjanaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Light
217PanchavimshatitattvasthaOm Panchavimshatitattvasthaye NamahThe One Who Contains the 25 Principles
218ParijataOm Parijatay NamahThe One Who is the Lord of the Celestial Tree
219ParavaraOm Paravaraaye NamahThe One Who is Beyond All Worlds
220SulabhaOm Sulabhaye NamahThe Easy One, the One Who is Easily Attained
221SuvrataOm Suvrataye NamahThe One Who Has Pure Vows
222ShuraOm Shuraye NamahThe Hero, the Mighty One
223BrahmavedanidhiOm Brahmavedanidhaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Brahma's Knowledge
224NidhiOm Nidhaye NamahThe Treasure, the Repository of All Wealth
225VarnashramaguruOm Varnashramaguraye NamahThe Teacher of the Four Orders (Varna and Ashrama)
226VarniOm Varnaye NamahThe One Who is a Brahmin, the Creator
227ShatrujitaOm Shatrujitaye NamahThe One Who Defeats Enemies
228ShatrutapanaOm Shatrutapanaye NamahThe One Who Destroys Enemies
229AshramaOm Ashramaye NamahThe One Who Dwells in the Hermitage
230KshapanaOm Kshapanaye NamahThe One Who Destroys Evil
231KshamaOm Kshamaye NamahThe One Who is Forgiving and Patient
232JnanavanaOm Jnanavanaye NamahThe One Who is the Essence of Knowledge
233AchaleshvaraOm Achaleshvaraye NamahThe Immovable Lord, the One Who Cannot Be Shaken
234PramanabhutaOm Pramanabhutaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of All Truth
235DurjneyaOm Durjneyaye NamahThe One Who is Difficult to Conquer
236SuparnaOm Suparnaye NamahThe One Who is the Best of Birds (Garuda)
237VayuvahanaOm Vayuvahanaye NamahThe One Who is Carried by the Wind (Vayu)
238DhanurdharaOm Dhanurdharaaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Bow
239DhanurvedaOm Dhanurvedaye NamahThe One Who is the Master of Archery
240GunarishiOm Gunarishaye NamahThe Sage of Virtue
241GunakaraOm Gunakaraye NamahThe One Who Creates Virtue
242SatyasatyaparaOm Satyasatyaparaaye NamahThe One Who is the Ultimate Truth
243DinaOm Dinaye NamahThe One Who is the Savior of the Poor
244DharmagaOm Dharmagaye NamahThe One Who is the Path of Dharma
245AnandaOm Anandaye NamahThe One Who is Supreme Bliss
246DharmasadhanaOm Dharmasadhanaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of the Practice of Dharma
247AnantadrishtiOm Anantadrishtaye NamahThe One Who has Infinite Vision
248DandaOm Danday NamahThe One Who Wields the Rod of Discipline
249DamayitaOm Damayitaye NamahThe One Who Controls and Subdues
250DamaOm Damaye NamahThe One Who is Self-Controlled
251AbhivadyaOm Abhivadyaye NamahThe One Who is Worshiped by All
252MahamayaOm Mahamayay NamahThe One Who is the Great Illusion (Maya)
253VishvakarmaOm Vishvakarmaye NamahThe Universal Architect
254VisharadaOm Visharadaye NamahThe One Who is Knowledgeable in All Arts
255VitaragaOm Vitaragaye NamahThe One Who is Free from Attachment
256VinitatmaOm Vinitatmaye NamahThe One Who is Humble
257TapasviOm Tapasviye NamahThe One Who is a Master of Austerities
258BhutabhavanaOm Bhutabhavanaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of All Beings
259UnmattaveshaOm Unmattaveshaye NamahThe One Who is in an Ecstatic State
260PracchannaOm Pracchannaye NamahThe One Who is Hidden or Secret
261JitakamaOm Jitakamaye NamahThe One Who Conquers All Desires
262AjitapriyaOm Ajitapriyay NamahThe One Who is Loved by the Unconquered
263KalyanaprakritiOm Kalyanaprakritaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Auspicious Nature
264KalpaOm Kalpay NamahThe One Who is the Creator of Cycles of Time
265SarvalokaprajapatiOm Sarvalokaprajapataye NamahThe Lord of All Beings and Worlds
266TarasviOm Tarasviye NamahThe One Who is Quick to Help
267TavakaOm Tavakaye NamahThe One Who is of Great Strength
268DhimanaOm Dhimanaye NamahThe One Who is of Steady Mind and Understanding
269PradhanaprabhuOm Pradhanaprabhuve NamahThe Supreme Lord, the Principal Deity
270AvyayaOm Avyayaye NamahThe Imperishable One, the Everlasting
271LokapalaOm Lokapalaye NamahThe Lord of All Worlds
272AntarhitatmaOm Antarhitatmaye NamahThe One Who Resides in the Hearts of All
273KalpadiOm Kalpadaye NamahThe One Who is the Creator of the Universe
274KamalakshanaOm Kamalakshanaye NamahThe One Who Has Lotus-like Eyes
275VedashastrarthatattvajnaOm Vedashastrarthatattvajnaaye NamahThe One Who Knows the Essence of the Vedas and Scriptures
276AniyamaOm Aniyamaye NamahThe One Who is Without Restraint or Limitation
277NiyatashrayaOm Niyatashrayaye NamahThe One Who is the Refuge of the Disciplined
278ChandraOm Chandraye NamahThe Moon, the One Who is the Lord of Time and Light
279SuryaOm Suryaye NamahThe Sun, the Source of Light and Energy
280ShaniOm Shanaye NamahThe Planet Saturn, the One Who is the Lord of Karma
281KetuOm Ketave NamahThe Ascending Node of the Moon
282VarangaOm Varangaye NamahThe One Who is Radiant and Beautiful
283VidrumacchaviOm Vidrumacchavaye NamahThe One Who Has the Appearance of Coral
284BhaktivashyaOm Bhaktivashaye NamahThe One Who is Controlled by Devotion
285AnaghaOm Anaghaye NamahThe One Who is Sinless and Pure
286ParabrahmamrigavanarpanaOm Parabrahmamrigavanarpanaye NamahThe One Who is the Ultimate Supreme Being
287AdriOm Adriye NamahThe Mountain, the One Who is Firm and Steady
288AdryalayaOm Adryalayaye NamahThe One Who Dwells in the Mountain
289KantaOm Kantaye NamahThe Beloved, the One Who is Desired by All
290ParamatmaOm Paramataye NamahThe Supreme Soul, the Absolute Reality
291JagadguruOm Jagadgurave NamahThe Guru of the Universe, the Supreme Teacher
292SarvakarmalayaOm Sarvakarmalayaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of All Actions
293TushtaOm Tushtaye NamahThe One Who is Satisfied and Content
294MangalyaOm Mangalyaye NamahThe One Who Brings Auspiciousness and Welfare
295MangalavritaOm Mangalavritaye NamahThe One Who is Surrounded by Auspiciousness
296MahatapaOm Mahatapaye NamahThe One Who Has Great Penances and Austerities
297DrighatapaOm Drighatapaye NamahThe One Who Has Long and Great Penances
298SthavishthaOm Sthavishthaye NamahThe One Who is Immovable and Firm
299SthaviraOm Sthaviraye NamahThe One Who is Ancient, the Everlasting
300DhruvaOm Dhruvaye NamahThe Immovable One, the Eternal Star
301AhaOm Ahaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Creation
302SamvatsaraOm Samvatsaraye NamahThe One Who is the Source of the Year
303VyaptiOm Vyaptaye NamahThe One Who Permeates All
304PramanaOm Pramanaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Truth
305ParamatapaOm Paramatapay NamahThe One Who Has Supreme Austerity
306SamvatsarakaraOm Samvatsarakaraye NamahThe One Who is the Creator of the Year
307MantrapratyayakaraOm Mantrapratyayakaraye NamahThe One Who Instills Faith in the Mantras
308SarvadarshanaOm Sarvadarshanaye NamahThe One Who has All-encompassing Vision
309AjaOm Ajaye NamahThe Unborn, the One Who is Eternal
310SarveshvaraOm Sarveshvaraye NamahThe Lord of All, the Supreme God
311SiddhaOm Siddhaye NamahThe Perfected Being, the Accomplished One
312MaharetaOm Maharetaye NamahThe One Who Has Great Wisdom
313MahabalaOm Mahabalaye NamahThe One Who Has Supreme Strength
314YogiOm Yogaye NamahThe One Who is the Master of Yoga
315YogyaOm Yogya NamahThe One Who is Worthy and Deserving
316SiddhiOm Siddhaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Perfection
317MahatejaOm Mahatejaye NamahThe One Who has Supreme Radiance
318SarvadiOm Sarvadaye NamahThe Source of All Things
319AgrahaOm Agrahaye NamahThe One Who is Unstoppable, the Unshakable
320VasuOm Vasave NamahThe One Who is the Dweller of All, the Divine One
321VasumanaOm Vasumanaye NamahThe One Who is Full of Goodness
322SatyaOm Satyaye NamahThe Truth, the Eternal Reality
323SarvapapaharaOm Sarvapapaharaye NamahThe One Who Removes All Sins
324SukirtiOm Sukirtaye NamahThe One Who is of Good Reputation
325ShobhanaOm Shobhanaye NamahThe One Who is Auspicious and Beautiful
326ShrimanaOm Shrimanaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of the Universe
327AvanmanasagocharaOm Avanmanasagocharaye NamahThe One Who is Beyond the Reach of Speech and Mind
328AmritashashvataOm Amritashashvataye NamahThe One Who is Eternal, the Source of Immortality
329ShantaOm Shantaye NamahThe Peaceful One, the Calm
330VanahastaOm Vanahastaye NamahThe One Who Holds a Branch
331PratapavanaOm Pratapavanaye NamahThe One Who is the Wind of Glory
332KamandalundharaOm Kamandalundharaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Water Pot (Kamandalu)
333DhanviOm Dhanvaye NamahThe One Who is the Bowbearer
334VedangaOm Vedangaye NamahThe One Who is the Master of the Vedas
335VedavitaOm Vedavitaye NamahThe One Who Knows the Vedas
336MuniOm Munaye NamahThe Sage, the Silent One
337BhrajishnuOm Bhrajishnu NamahThe One Who Shines Brightly
338BhojanaOm Bhojanaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of All Foods
339BhoktaOm Bhoktaye NamahThe Enjoyer, the One Who Enjoys the Offerings
340LokanathaOm Lokanathaye NamahThe Lord of the World
341DuradharaOm Duradharaye NamahThe One Who is the Holder of the Difficult or Tough (Tasks)
342AtindriyaOm Atindriyaye NamahThe One Who is Beyond the Senses
343MahamayaOm Mahamayay NamahThe Great Illusion, the Supreme Power
344SarvavasaOm Sarvavasaye NamahThe One Who Dwells Everywhere
345ChatushpathaOm Chatushpathaye NamahThe One Who is the Master of the Four Paths
346KalayogiOm Kalayogaye NamahThe Yogi of Time, the One Who Masters Time
347MahanadaOm Mahanadaye NamahThe One Who Has Great Sound or Vibration
348MahatsahaOm Mahatsahaye NamahThe One Who Has Great Strength
349MahabalaOm Mahabalaye NamahThe One Who is Very Powerful
350MahabuddhiOm Mahabuddhaye NamahThe One Who is of Supreme Intelligence
351MahaviryaOm Mahaviryaye NamahThe One Who is Full of Courage and Energy
352BhutachariOm Bhutacharaye NamahThe One Who Controls the Spirits
353PurandaraOm Purandaraye NamahThe One Who Destroys the World
354NishacharaOm Nishacharaye NamahThe One Who is the Controller of the Night
355PretachariOm Pretacharay NamahThe One Who is the Leader of the Spirits
356MahashaktiOm Mahashaktaye NamahThe One Who Has Great Power
357MahadyutiOm Mahadyutaye NamahThe One Who is of Supreme Radiance
358AhirdeshyavapuOm Ahirdeshyavapaye NamahThe One Who has a Unique, Subtle Form
359ShrimanaOm Shrimanaye NamahThe One Who is the Supreme Lord
360SarvacharyamanogatiOm Sarvacharyamanogataye NamahThe One Who Leads All in Their Paths
361VahushrutaOm Vahushrutaye NamahThe One Who is Known Through Many Names
362NiyatatmaOm Niyatatmay NamahThe One Who is Self-controlled
363DhruvaOm Dhruvaye NamahThe Unmovable One, the Steady One
364AdhruvaOm Adhruvaye NamahThe One Who is Imperishable, Undying
365SarvashaskaOm Sarvashaskaye NamahThe One Who is the Master of All Knowledge
366OjastejodyutidharaOm Ojastejodyutidharaaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Energy of Light and Radiance
367NartakaOm Nartakaye NamahThe Dancer, the One Who Performs Divine Dance
368NrityapriyaOm Nrityapriyaye NamahThe One Who Loves Dance
369NrityanityaOm Nrityanityaye NamahThe Eternal Dancer, the One Who Dances Forever
370PrakashatmaOm Prakashatmaye NamahThe One Who is the Light of the Soul
371PrakashakaOm Prakashakaye NamahThe Illuminator, the Light-Bringer
372SpashtaksharaOm Spashtaksharaye NamahThe One with Clear Sounds (Mantras)
373BudhaOm Budhaye NamahThe Wise One, the Intelligent
374MantraOm Mantraye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Sacred Verses
375SamanaOm Samanaye NamahThe Equalizer, the One Who Brings Harmony
376SarasamplavaOm Sarasamplavaye NamahThe One Who is the Essence of All Creation
377YugadikridaOm Yugadikridaye NamahThe One Who is the Creator of Time Periods
378YugavartaOm Yugavartaye NamahThe One Who Brings the Turn of Eras
379GambhiraOm Gambhiraye NamahThe Profound One, the Deep
380VrishavahanaOm Vrishavahanaye NamahThe One Who Rides the Bull
381IshtaOm Ishtaye NamahThe Desired One, the Beloved
382VishishtaOm Vishishtaye NamahThe Special One, the Distinguished
383ShishteshtaOm Shishteshtaye NamahThe One Who is the Most Esteemed by the Virtuous
384ShalabhaOm Shalabhaye NamahThe One Who is Like a Moth
385SharabhaOm Sharabhaye NamahThe One Who Appears as a Powerful Creature
386DhanuOm Dhanvaye NamahThe Bow-Bearer, the Archer
387TirtharupaOm Tirtharupaye NamahThe One Who Appears in Sacred Places
388TirthanamaOm Tirthanamaye NamahThe One Who is the Name of Pilgrimages
389TirthadrishyaOm Tirthadrishyaye NamahThe One Who is Seen in Sacred Sites
390StutaOm Stutaye NamahThe One Who is Praised and Adored
391ArthadaOm Arthadaye NamahThe One Who Bestows Meaning and Wealth
392ApamnidhiOm Apamidhaye NamahThe One Who is the Reservoir of All Knowledge
393AdhishthanaOm Adhishthanaye NamahThe One Who is the Foundation and Support of Everything
394VijayaOm Vijayaye NamahThe Victorious One, the Conqueror
395JayakalavitaOm Jayakalavitaye NamahThe One Who is Full of Victory
396PratishthitaOm Pratishthitaye NamahThe One Who is Established and Stable
397PramanajnaOm Pramanajna NamahThe One Who Knows the True Source of Authority
398HiranyakavachaOm Hiranyakavachaye NamahThe One Who Wears the Golden Armor
399HariOm Haraye NamahThe One Who Removes Sins, the Protector
400VimlochanaOm Vimlochanaye NamahThe One Who Removes the Ignorance of the World
401SuraganaOm Suraganaye NamahThe One Who is the Leader of Gods
402VidyeshaOm Videshaye NamahThe One Who is the Master of Knowledge
403VindusamshrayaOm Vindusamshraye NamahThe One Who is the Source of All Stars
404BalarupaOm Balarupaye NamahThe Child-like Form, the Young One
405VikartaOm Vikartaye NamahThe One Who is the Creator of All
406BalaunmattaOm Balaunmatta NamahThe One Who is the Supreme Strength of a Child
407GahanaOm Gahanaye NamahThe One Who is Unfathomable, Deep
408GuhaOm Guhaye NamahThe One Who is the Cave or Hidden Form
409KaranaOm Karanaye NamahThe Cause of All Causes
410KartaOm Kartaye NamahThe Creator, the Doer of All
411SarvabandhavimochanaOm Sarvabandhavimochanaye NamahThe One Who Frees from All Bonds and Shackles
412VyavasayaOm Vyavasayaye NamahThe One Who is the One True Purpose
413VyavasthanaOm Vyavasthanaye NamahThe One Who Brings Order and Organization
414SthanadaOm Sthanadaye NamahThe One Who is the Permanent Abode
415JagadadijaOm Jagadadijaye NamahThe One Who Creates the Universe
416GarudaOm Garudaye NamahThe One Who is the Mount of Vishnu (Garuda)
417LalitaOm Lalitaye NamahThe One Who is Playful and Charming
418AbhedaOm Abhedaye NamahThe One Who is Non-Dual, Without Separation
419BhavatmatmasamsthitaOm Bhavatmatmasamsthitaye NamahThe One Who is Established in the Essence of All Souls
420VireshvaraOm Vireshvaraye NamahThe Lord of All Heroes
421VirabhadraOm Virabhadraye NamahThe One Who is the Supreme Warrior
422VirasanavidhiOm Virasanavidhaye NamahThe One Who is the Leader of All Warriors
423VirataOm Virataye NamahThe One Who is All-Embracing, the Cosmic Form
424VirachudamaniOm Virachudamanaye NamahThe One Who Wears the Gem of Valor
425VettaOm Vettaye NamahThe One Who Knows Everything
426TivranandaOm Tivranandaye NamahThe One Who is Immensely Blissful
427NadidharaOm Nadidharaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Sound or Vibration
428AjnadharaOm Ajnadharaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Knowledge of the Unknown
429TrishuliOm Trishulaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Trident
430ShipivishtaOm Shipivishtaye NamahThe One Who is Permeated with the Essence of Creation
431SivalayaOm Sivalayaye NamahThe Abode of Lord Shiva
432BalakhilyaOm Balakhilyaye NamahThe One Who is Surrounded by Tiny Ascetics
433MahachapaOm Mahachapaye NamahThe One Who Wields the Great Bow
434TigmamshuOm Tigmamshuye NamahThe One with Sharp Rays
435BadhiraOm Badhiraye NamahThe One Who is Free from Deafness and Ignorance
436KhagaOm Khagaye NamahThe One Who is Winged, the Sky Dweller
437AdhiramaOm Adhiramaye NamahThe One Who is the Supreme Ram, the Ultimate Vehicle
438SusharanaOm Susharanaye NamahThe One Who is the Guardian and Protector
439SubrahmanyaOm Subrahmanyaye NamahThe One Who is the Younger Brother of Lord Murugan
440SudhapatiOm Sudhapatiye NamahThe Lord of the Nectar, the Bestower of Immortality
441MaghavanaOm Maghavanaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of the Magha Nakshatra
442KushikaOm Kushikaye NamahThe One Who is the Descendant of Kushika
443GaumanaOm Gaumanaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of All Creatures
444ViramaOm Viramaye NamahThe One Who is the Stopping, the End
445SarvasadhanaOm Sarvasadhanaye NamahThe One Who is the Cause of All Accomplishments
446LalatakshaOm Lalatakshaye NamahThe One Who Has Beautiful Eyes
447VishvadehaOm Vishvadehaye NamahThe One Who is the Body of the Universe
448SaraOm Saraye NamahThe Essence, the Core
449SamsarachakrabhritaOm Samsarachakrabhritaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Cycle of Birth and Death
450AmoghadandaOm Amoghadandaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Unfailing Weapon
451MadhyasthaOm Madhyastaye NamahThe One Who is the Mediator
452HiranyaOm Hiranyaye NamahThe Golden One, the Lord of Prosperity
453BrahmavarchasiOm Brahmavarchasaye NamahThe One Who Bestows Divine Glory
454ParamarthaOm Paramarthaye NamahThe One Who is the Supreme Goal
455ParaOm Paraye NamahThe Supreme One, the Highest Entity
456MayiOm Mayaye NamahThe One Who is Me, the All-Pervading
457ShambaraOm Shambaraye NamahThe One Who Killed the Demon Shambara
458VyaghralochanaOm Vyaghralochanaye NamahThe One Who Has Tiger-Eyes
459RuchiOm Ruchaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Taste and Delight
460VirinchiOm Virinchaye NamahThe One Who is the Creator, Lord Brahma
461SvarbandhuOm Svarbandhaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Sound
462VachaspatiOm Vachaspatiye NamahThe Lord of Speech and Wisdom
463AharpatiOm Aharpataye NamahThe Lord of All Offerings and Sacrifices
464RaviOm Ravaye NamahThe Sun, the One Who is the Light of the Universe
465VirochanaOm Virochanaye NamahThe One Who is the Son of Prahlada
466SkandaOm Skandaye NamahThe Commander of the Army of Gods
467ShastaOm Shastaye NamahThe One Who is the Teacher and Protector
468VaivasvataOm Vaivasvataye NamahThe Son of Vivasvat, the Sun God
469YamaOm Yamaye NamahThe God of Death and Justice
470YuktiOm Yuktaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Wisdom and Discernment
471UnnatakirtiOm Unnatakirtaye NamahThe One Who is the Bestower of Fame and Glory
472SanuragaOm Sanuragaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of Affection
473ParanjayaOm Paranjayaye NamahThe One Who is the Conqueror of All
474KailashadhipatiOm Kailashadhipataye NamahThe Lord of Mount Kailash
475KantaOm Kantaye NamahThe Beloved One, the Most Loved
476SavitaOm Savitaye NamahThe Sun, the One Who Gives Light
477RavilochanaOm Ravilochanaye NamahThe One Who Has the Sun in His Eyes
478VidvattamaOm Vidvattamaye NamahThe One Who is the Most Knowledgeable
479VitabhayaOm Vitabhayaye NamahThe One Who is Fearless
480VishvabharataOm Vishvabharataye NamahThe One Who Holds the World
481AnivaritaOm Anivaritaye NamahThe One Who Cannot be Stopped
482NityaOm Nityaye NamahThe Eternal One, the One Who is Timeless
483NiyatakalyanaOm Niyatakalyanaye NamahThe One Who is Always Auspicious
484PunyashravanakirtanaOm Punyashravanakirtanaye NamahThe One Who is Praised by Listening to His Glory
485DurashravaOm Durashrava NamahThe One Who is Not Heard in the Distance
486VishvasahaOm Vishvasahaye NamahThe One Who Supports All Worlds
487DhyeyaOm Dhyeyaye NamahThe One Who is to Be Meditated Upon
488DuhsvapnanashanaOm Duhsvapnanashanaye NamahThe One Who Eliminates Bad Dreams
489UttaranaOm Uttaranaye NamahThe One Who is the Ultimate Ascension
490DushkritihaOm Dushkritihaye NamahThe One Who Destroys Evil Deeds
491VijneyaOm Vijneyaye NamahThe One Who is the Knowable
492DuhsahaOm Duhsahaye NamahThe One Who Overcomes Suffering
493BhavaOm Bhavaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Creation
494AnadiOm Anadiye NamahThe One Who is Without Beginning
495BhurbhuvakshiOm Bhurbhuvakshaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of All Realms
496KiritiOm Kiritye NamahThe One Who Wears the Crown
497RuchirangadaOm Ruchirangadaye NamahThe One Who Has Beautiful Arms and Looks
498JananaOm Jananaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Birth
499JanajanmadiOm Janajanmadaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of All Births
500PritimanaOm Pritimanaye NamahThe One Who is the Bestower of Love
501NitimanaOm Nitimanaye NamahThe One Who is the Embodiment of Righteousness
502DhavaOm Dhavaye NamahThe Lord, the One Who Protects and Supports
503VasishthaOm Vasishthaye NamahThe One Who is the Sage Vasishtha
504KashyapaOm Kashyapaye NamahThe One Who is the Sage Kashyapa
505BhanuOm Bhanuve NamahThe Sun, the One Who Radiates Light
506BhimaOm Bhimaye NamahThe One Who is Powerful and Mighty
507BhimaparakramaOm Bhimaparakramaye NamahThe One Who Possesses Fearsome Strength
508PranavaOm Pranavaye NamahThe Omkara, the Pranava Mantra, the Supreme Sound
509SatpatchacharaOm Satpatchacharaye NamahThe One Who Practices True Conduct
510MahakashaOm Mahakashaye NamahThe One Who is the Great Sky or Ether
511MahaghanaOm Mahaghanaye NamahThe One Who is the Great Cloud
512JanmadhipaOm Janmadhipaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of Birth
513MahadevaOm Mahadevaye NamahThe Great God, the Supreme Deity
514SakalagamaparagaOm Sakalagamaparagaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of All Forces
515TattvaOm Tattvaye NamahThe One Who is the Ultimate Reality
516TattavitOm Tattavitaye NamahThe One Who Knows the Truth of Reality
517EkatmaOm Ekatmaye NamahThe One Who is the Sole Soul
518VibhuOm Vibhuyaye NamahThe One Who is All-Pervading and Vast
519VishvavibhushanaOm Vishvavibhushanaye NamahThe One Who Adorns the Universe
520RishiOm Rishaye NamahThe Sage, the One Who is the Source of Knowledge
521BrahmanaOm Brahmanaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of All Knowledge
522AishvaryajanmamrityujaratigaOm Aishvaryajanmamrityujaratigaye NamahThe One Who Grants Wealth and Saves from Death
523PanchayajnasamutpattiOm Panchayajnasamutpattaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of the Five Sacrifices
524VishveshaOm Vishveshaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of All Worlds
525VimalodayaOm Vimalodayaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Purity
526AtmayoniOm Atmayonaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of the Soul
527AnadyantaOm Anadyantaye NamahThe One Who has no Beginning or End
528VatsalaOm Vatsalaye NamahThe One Who is Affectionate like a Mother
529BhaktalokadhrikaOm Bhaktalokadhikraye NamahThe One Who Supports the Devotees' World
530GayatrivallabhaOm Gayatrivallabhaye NamahThe One Who is the Beloved of the Gayatri Mantra
531PramshuOm Pramshuye NamahThe One Who is the Essence of Knowledge
532VishvavasaOm Vishvavasaye NamahThe One Who is the Dwelling Place of the Universe
533PrabhakaraOm Prabhakaraye NamahThe One Who is the Illuminator
534ShishuOm Shishuye NamahThe Child, the One Who is Innocent
535GirirataOm Girirataye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of the Mountains
536SamrataOm Samrataye NamahThe One Who is the Supreme Ruler
537SushenaOm Sushenaye NamahThe One Who is Beautiful and Healthy
538SurashatruhaOm Surashatruhayye NamahThe One Who Defeats the Enemies of the Gods
539AmoghaOm Amoghaye NamahThe One Who is Unfailing, Infallible
540ArishtanemiOm Arishtanemiyye NamahThe One Who is the End of All Suffering
541KumudaOm Kumudaye NamahThe One Who is the Lotus, the Beautiful One
542VigatajvaraOm Vigatajvaraye NamahThe One Who Overcomes Fever and Illness
543SvayamjyotiOm Svayamjyotaye NamahThe One Who is the Light of Himself
544TanujyotiOm Tanujyotaye NamahThe One Who is the Light of His Own Body
545AchanchalaOm Achanchalaye NamahThe Unshakable One, the Firm and Steady
546AtmajyotiOm Atmajyotaye NamahThe Light of the Soul
547PingalaOm Pingalaye NamahThe One Who has the Brown Complexion, the Diligent One
548KapilashmashruOm Kapilashmashruye NamahThe One Who has Golden Hair, the Sage Kapila
549BhalanetraOm Bhalanetre NamahThe One Who has the Eye on His Forehead
550TrayitanuOm Trayitanuyye NamahThe One Who is the Threefold Soul
551JnanaskandamahanitiOm Jnanaskandamahanitaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Knowledge and Great Wisdom
552VishvutpattiOm Vishvutpattaye NamahThe One Who Creates the Universe
553UpaplavaOm Upaplavaye NamahThe One Who is Free from Suffering
554BhagaOm Bhagaye NamahThe One Who is Auspicious and Fortunate
555VivasvanaOm Vivasvanaye NamahThe Sun, the One Who is Radiant
556AdityaOm Adityaye NamahThe Sun, the One Who is the Son of Aditi
557YogaparaOm Yogaparaye NamahThe One Who is Beyond the Path of Yoga
558DivaspatiOm Divaspatiye NamahThe Lord of the Day, the Sun
559KalyanagunanamaOm Kalyanagunanamaye NamahThe One Who is the Name of All Auspicious Qualities
560PapahaOm Papahaye NamahThe One Who Destroys Sins
561PunyadarshanaOm Punyadarshanaye NamahThe One Who is the Auspicious Vision
562UdarakirtiOm Udarakiritye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Noble Fame
563UdyogiOm Udyogiye NamahThe One Who is Always Engaged in Yoga
564SadyogiOm Sadyogiye NamahThe One Who Attains Yogic Perfection Quickly
565SadasanmayaOm Sadasanmaye NamahThe One Who is Always Engaged in the Highest State of Consciousness
566NakshatramaliOm Nakshatramaliye NamahThe One Who Wears the Garlands of Stars
567NakeshaOm Nakeshaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of the Naaks (stars)
568SvadhishthanapadashrayaOm Svadhishthanapadashrayaye NamahThe One Who Resides in the Sacred Svadhishthana Chakra
569PavitraOm Pavitraye NamahThe Pure One, the One Who Purifies
570PapahariOm Papahariye NamahThe One Who Destroys All Sins
571ManipuraOm Manipuraye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Power and Strength
572NabhogatiOm Nabhogataye NamahThe One Who is the Sustainer of All Wealth and Prosperity
573HritOm Hritaye NamahThe One Who Resides in the Heart
574PundarikasinaOm Pundarikasinaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of the Lotus (Heart)
575ShatruOm Shatraye NamahThe One Who Destroys Enemies
576ShrantaOm Shrantaye NamahThe One Who is Free from Weariness
577VrishakapiOm Vrishakapaye NamahThe One Who Rides the Divine Bull (Nandi)
578UshnaOm Ushanaye NamahThe One Who is the Hot and Fiery One
579GrihapatiOm Grihapatiye NamahThe Lord of the Home and Household
580KrishnaOm Krishnaye NamahThe Dark One, the One Who is the Source of All Life
581ParamarthaOm Paramarthaye NamahThe One Who is the Ultimate Truth
582AnarthanashanaOm Anarthanashanaye NamahThe One Who Eradicates All Troubles and Misfortunes
583AdharmashatruOm Adharmashatraye NamahThe One Who Defeats Adharma (Unrighteousness)
584AjneyaOm Ajnayaye NamahThe One Who is Unknowable, Beyond the Perception
585PurohitaOm Purohitaye NamahThe Chief Priest, the One Who is the Guardian of Dharma
586PurushritaOm Purushritaye NamahThe One Who is the Embodiment of Purusha (Soul)
587BrahmagarbhaOm Brahmagarbhaye NamahThe One Who is the Womb of Brahma
588VrihadgarbhaOm Vrihadgarbhaye NamahThe One Who is the Vast Womb of Creation
589DharmadhenuOm Dharmadhenuye NamahThe One Who is the Cow of Dharma
590DhanagamaOm Dhanagamaye NamahThe One Who Grants Wealth and Prosperity
591JagaddhitaishiOm Jagaddhitaishaye NamahThe One Who is the Welfare of the Universe
592SugataOm Sugutaye NamahThe One Who is the One with Good Qualities
593KumaraOm Kumaraye NamahThe Divine Child, the Son of Lord Shiva
594KushalagamaOm Kushalagamaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of All Prosperous Paths
595HiranyavarnaOm Hiranyavarnaye NamahThe One Who is of Golden Hue
596JyotishmanaOm Jyotishmanaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Light
597NanabhutarataOm Nanabhutarataye NamahThe One Who Enjoys the Diversity of Creation
598DhvaniOm Dhvaniye NamahThe One Who is the Sound or Resonance
599AragaOm Aragaye NamahThe One Who is the Unmoving, Steady
600NiyamadhyakshaOm Niyamadhyakshaye NamahThe One Who Oversees the Rules and Regulations
601VishvamitraOm Vishvamitriye NamahThe Sage Who Protects the Universe
602DhaneshvaraOm Dhaneshvare NamahThe Lord of Wealth and Prosperity
603BrahmajyotiOm Brahmajyotaye NamahThe Divine Light of Brahma
604VasudhamaOm Vasudhamaye NamahThe One Who is the Supporter of the Earth
605MahajyotianuttamaOm Mahajyotianuttamaye NamahThe Supreme Light of the Universe
606MatamahaOm Matamahaye NamahThe Grandfather, the Father of the Universe
607MatarishvaOm Matarishvaye NamahThe One Who Moves in the Atmosphere
608NabhasvanaOm Nabhasvane NamahThe One Who Shines in the Sky
609NagaharadhrikaOm Nagaharadhikaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Serpent (Naga)
610PulastyaOm Pulastyaye NamahThe Sage, the One Who is Immense in Knowledge
611PulahaOm Puhalaye NamahThe One Who is a Great Sage
612AgastyaOm Agastaye NamahThe Sage, the Son of Lord Brahma
613JatukarnyaOm Jatukarnaye NamahThe One Who has a Long, Curled Hair
614ParasharaOm Parasharaye NamahThe One Who is the Father of Vyasa
615NiravarananirvaraOm Niravarananirvaraye NamahThe One Who is Free from All Obstacles
616VairanchyaOm Vairanchyaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Destruction (Lord Shiva)
617VishtarashravaOm Vishtarashrava NamahThe One Who is Expansive in Hearing
618AtmabhuOm Atmabhuyye NamahThe One Who is Born of Himself
619AniruddhaOm Aniruddhaye NamahThe One Who is Unstoppable, The Supreme God
620AtriOm Atriye NamahThe Sage, the One Who Possesses Knowledge
621JnanamurtiOm Jnanamurtiye NamahThe One Who is the Embodiment of Knowledge
622MahayashaOm Mahayashaye NamahThe One Who is Known by All
623LokaviragraniOm Lokaviragranaye NamahThe Leader of All the Worlds
624ViraOm Viraye NamahThe Brave One, The Hero
625ChandaOm Chandaye NamahThe One Who is Fierce and Mighty
626SatyaparakramaOm Satyaparakramaye NamahThe One Who is True to His Words and Actions
627VyalakalpaOm Vyalakalpaye NamahThe One Who is Skilled in the Art of Creating and Destroying
628MahakalpaOm Mahakalpaye NamahThe One Who Controls the Great Cycles of Time
629KalpavrikshaOm Kalpavrikshaye NamahThe One Who is the Tree of Wishes
630KaladharaOm Kaladharaye NamahThe One Who Holds Time (Kala)
631AlankarishnuOm Alankarishnaye NamahThe One Who is Ornamented with Divine Qualities
632AchalaOm Achalaye NamahThe Unshakable One, the One Who is Steady
633RuchishnuOm Ruchishnaye NamahThe One Who is Adorned with Lustrous Qualities
634VikramonnataOm Vikramonnataye NamahThe One Who is Proud of His Heroic Deeds
635AyuhshabdapatiOm Ayuhshabdapatiye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of Lifespan and Word
636VegiOm Vegiye NamahThe One Who Moves with Speed
637PlavanaOm Plavanaye NamahThe One Who is the Boat for All Souls
638ShikhisarathiOm Shikhisarathaye NamahThe One Who is the Rider of the Flame
639AsamsrishtaOm Asamsrishtaye NamahThe One Who is Free from Worldly Desires
640AtithiOm Atithaye NamahThe One Who is the Guest (Being in the form of a guest)
641ShatrupreamathiOm Shatrupreamathaye NamahThe One Who is Dear to His Enemies
642PadapashanaOm Padapashanaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Chain of Feet
643VasushravaOm Vasushravaye NamahThe One Who is Known for His Wealth
644PratapaOm Pratapaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Glory and Brilliance
645HavyavahaOm Havyavahaye NamahThe One Who Receives the Sacred Offerings
646VishvabhojanaOm Vishvabhojanaye NamahThe One Who is the Provider for All in the Universe
647JapayaOm Japayaye NamahThe One Who is Meditated Upon by All
648JaradishamanaOm Jaradishamanaye NamahThe One Who Removes the Curse of Old Age
649LohitatmaOm Lohitatmaye NamahThe One Who has a Red-Hued Soul
650TanunapataOm Tanunapataye NamahThe One Who is the Source of All Elements
651VrihadashvaOm Vrihadashvaye NamahThe One Who is Great in Form and Steed
652NabhoyoniOm Nabhoyonaye NamahThe One Who has the Sky as His Womb
653SupratikaOm Supratikaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of All Auspiciousness
654TamasrahaOm Tamasrahaye NamahThe One Who Removes Darkness
655NidaghaOm Nidaghaye NamahThe One Who is the Destroyer of All Weaknesses
656TapanaOm Tapanaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Heat
657MeghaOm Meghaye NamahThe One Who is the Cloud, the One Who Brings Rain
658SvakshaOm Svaakshayye NamahThe One Who is Pure and Clean
659ParapuranjayaOm Parapuranjayaye NamahThe One Who is the Conqueror of the Supreme Truth
660SukhanilaOm Sukhanilaye NamahThe One Who Brings Peace and Happiness
661SunishpannaOm Sunishpannaye NamahThe One Who is Ever-Fixed and Steady
662SurabhiOm Surabhaye NamahThe One Who is the Divine Cow, Bestower of All Blessings
663ShishiratmakaOm Shishiratmake NamahThe One Who is the Embodiment of Winter and the Coolness
664VasantaOm Vasantaye NamahThe One Who is the Spring season, the Beginning of New Life
665MadhavaOm Madhavaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of Sweetness (like honey)
666GrishmaOm Grishmaye NamahThe One Who is the Summer season
667NabhasyaOm Nabhasyaye NamahThe One Who is the Sky and the Atmosphere
668VijavahanaOm Vijavahanaye NamahThe One Who Rides the Victorious Horse
669AngiraOm Angiraye NamahThe Sage Angira, a Vedic Sage
670GuruOm Gurave NamahThe Supreme Teacher and Guide
671AtreyaOm Atreyaye NamahThe One Who Belongs to the Sage Atreya
672VimalaOm Vimalaye NamahThe Pure One, the One Who is Immaculate
673VishvavahanaOm Vishvavahanaye NamahThe One Who Bears the Universe
674PavanaOm Pavanaye NamahThe One Who Purifies, the Wind
675SumatiOm Sumataye NamahThe One Who is of Good Disposition and Thoughtfulness
676VidvanaOm Vidvanaye NamahThe One Who is Full of Knowledge
677TravidyaOm Travidyaye NamahThe One Who Knows the Three Vedas
678NaravahanaOm Naravahanaye NamahThe One Who is the Vehicle of Man
679ManobuddhiOm Manobuddhiye NamahThe One Who is the Master of Mind and Intellect
680AhamkaraOm Ahamkaraye NamahThe One Who is the Ego (the sense of 'I')
681KshetrajnaOm Kshetrajnyaye NamahThe One Who Knows the Field of Life (the body)
682KshetrapalakaOm Kshetrapalakaye NamahThe One Who is the Protector of the Field
683JamadagniOm Jamadagnaye NamahThe One Who is the Son of Sage Jamadagni
684BalanidhiOm Balanidhaye NamahThe One Who is the Treasure of Youth
685VigalaOm Vigalaye NamahThe One Who is Fierce and Powerful
686VishvagalavaOm Vishvagalavaye NamahThe One Who is the Destroyer of the Whole Universe
687AghoraOm Aghoraye NamahThe One Who is Fierce and Terrifying
688AnuttaraOm Anuttaraye NamahThe One Who is Supreme and Beyond Comparison
689YajnaOm Ajnaye NamahThe One Who is the Sacrifice, the Ritual
690ShreyaOm Shreyaye NamahThe One Who is Supreme in Goodness
691NihshreyahpathaOm Nihshreyahpathaye NamahThe One Who is the Path to the Supreme Good
692ShailaOm Shailaye NamahThe One Who is the Mountain-like and Strong
693GaganakundabhaOm Gaganakundabhaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of the Sky and Stars
694DanavariOm Danavariye NamahThe One Who is the Destroyer of the Demons
695ArindamaOm Arindamaye NamahThe One Who is the Slayer of Enemies
696RajanijanakaOm Rajanijanakaye NamahThe One Who is the Father of the King (Ruler of the Universe)
697CharuvishaiyaOm Charuvishaiyaye NamahThe One Who is the Embodiment of Charm and Beauty
698LokakalpadhrikaOm Lokakalpadhrikaye NamahThe One Who is the Creator of the World
699ChaturvedaOm Chaturvedaye NamahThe One Who is the Four Vedas
700ChaturbhavaOm Chaturbhavaye NamahThe One Who is the Creator of the Four Worlds
701ChaturaOm Chaturaye NamahThe One Who is Smart and Clever
702ChaturapriyaOm Chaturapriyaye NamahThe One Who is Loved by All
703AmlayaOm Amlyaye NamahThe One Who is Free from Contamination
704SamamlayaOm Samamlayaye NamahThe One Who is the Origin of All
705TirthavedashivalayaOm Tirthavedashivalayaye NamahThe One Who is the Sacred Abode of All Pilgrimages
706VahurupaOm Vahurupaye NamahThe One Who Assumes Various Forms
707MaharupaOm Maharupaye NamahThe One Who Has Many Glorious Forms
708SarvarupaOm Sarvarupaye NamahThe One Who Has All Forms
709CharacharaOm Characharaye NamahThe One Who Exists in All Living Beings and Non-Living Things
710NyayanirmayakaOm Nyayanirmayakaye NamahThe One Who is the Creator of All Philosophical Schools
711NyayiOm Nyayaye NamahThe One Who is the Judge and Lawgiver
712NyayagamyaOm Nyayagamyaye NamahThe One Who Can Be Attained through Justice
713NirantaraOm Nirantarye NamahThe One Who is Continuous and Ever-Present
714SahasramariddhaOm Sahasramariddhaye NamahThe One Who is the Destroyer of Thousands of Enemies
715DevendraOm Devendraye NamahThe Lord of the Devas (Gods)
716SarvashastraprabhanjanaOm Sarvashastraprabhanjanaye NamahThe One Who Destroys All Weapons
717MundaOm Mundaye NamahThe One Who Has the Munda (A Headgear or Skull)
718VirupaOm Virupaye NamahThe One Who Has an Ugly Form
719VikrantaOm Vikrantaye NamahThe One Who is Fierce and Mighty
720DandiOm Dandaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Staff
721DantaOm Dantaye NamahThe One Who Has Tusk-Like Teeth (or the One Who is Righteous)
722GunottamaOm Gunottamaye NamahThe One Who is the Supreme in Qualities
723PingalakshaOm Pingalakshaye NamahThe One Who Has Beautiful Eyes
724JanadhyakshaOm Janadhyakshaye NamahThe One Who is the Master of the People
725NilagrivaOm Nilagrivaye NamahThe One Who Has a Blue Neck
726NiramayaOm Niramayaye NamahThe One Who is Free from All Disease
727SahasravahuOm Sahasravahaye NamahThe One Who Has Thousand Arms
728SarveshaOm Sarveshaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of All
729SharanyaOm Sharanyaye NamahThe One Who is the Refuge of All
730SarvalokadhrikaOm Sarvalokadhrikaye NamahThe One Who is the Supporter of All Worlds
731PadmasanaOm Padmasanaye NamahThe One Who Sits on the Lotus Seat
732ParamjyotiOm Paramjyotaye NamahThe One Who is the Supreme Light
733ParamparaOm Paramparaye NamahThe One Who is the Ultimate Tradition
734ParamsalaOm Paramsalaye NamahThe One Who is the Supreme Goal
735PadmagarbhaOm Padmagarbhaye NamahThe One Who is the Womb of the Lotus
736MahagarbhaOm Mahagarbhaye NamahThe One Who is the Great Womb
737VishvagarbhaOm Vishvagarbhaye NamahThe One Who is the Universe's Womb
738VichakshanaOm Vichakshanaye NamahThe One Who is All-Seeing
739CharacharajnaOm Characharajnaye NamahThe One Who Knows All Living Beings
740VaradaOm Varadaye NamahThe One Who Grants Boons
741VareshaOm Vareshaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of All
742MahabalaOm Mahabalaye NamahThe One Who is Extremely Powerful
743DevasuraguruOm Devasuraguraye NamahThe Guru of the Devas and Asuras
744DevaOm Devaye NamahThe Divine One, the God
745DevasuramahashrayaOm Devasuramahashrayaye NamahThe One Who is the Shelter of Gods and Demons
746DevadidevaOm Devadidevaye NamahThe One Who is the God of All Gods
747DevagniOm Devagnaye NamahThe One Who is the Fire of the Gods
748DevagnisukhadaOm Devagnisukhadaye NamahThe One Who Brings Joy to the Fire of the Gods
749PrabhuOm Prabhave NamahThe Supreme Lord, the Master of All
750DevasureshvaraOm Devasureshvaraye NamahThe Lord of the Gods and Asuras
751DivyaOm Divyaye NamahThe Divine One, the One Who is Pure
752DevasuramaheshvaraOm Devasuramaheshvaraye NamahThe One Who is the Supreme Lord of Gods and Asuras
753DevadevamayaOm Devadevamayaye NamahThe One Who is the Embodiment of All Gods
754AchintyaOm Achintaye NamahThe One Who is Beyond Comprehension
755DevadevatmasambhavaOm Devadevatmasambhavaye NamahThe One Who is Born of the Divine Soul
756SadyoniOm Sadyonye NamahThe One Who is the Immediate Birthgiver
757AsuravyaghraOm Asuravyaghre NamahThe One Who is the Tiger of the Demons
758DevasimhaOm Devasimhaye NamahThe Lion of the Gods
759DivakaraOm Divakaraye NamahThe One Who is the Sun of the Divine
760VibudhagravaraOm Vibudhagravaraye NamahThe One Who is the Supreme in Knowledge
761ShreshthaOm Shreshthaye NamahThe Supreme, the Best
762SarvadevottamottamaOm Sarvadevottamottamaye NamahThe One Who is the Best Among All Gods
763SivajnanarataOm Sivajnanarataye NamahThe One Who is Devoted to the Knowledge of Shiva
764ShrimanaOm Shrimanaye NamahThe One Who is Auspicious and Wealthy
765Shikhi-shriparvatapriyaOm Shikhishriparvatapriyaye NamahThe One Who Loves the Mountain of the Peacock (Mount Meru)
766VajrahastaOm Vajrahastaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Thunderbolt
767SiddhakhadgiOm Siddhakhadgaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Sword of Siddhas
768NarasimhanipatanaOm Narasimhanipatanaye NamahThe One Who has the Power of the Lion's Avatar
769BrahmachariOm Brahmacharaye NamahThe One Who Practices Celibacy and Purity
770LokachariOm Lokacharaye NamahThe One Who is the Teacher of the World
771DharmachariOm Dharmacharaye NamahThe One Who is the Follower of Dharma (Righteousness)
772DhanadhipaOm Dhanadhipaye NamahThe Lord of Wealth
773NandiOm Nandaye NamahThe Bull, the Vehicle of Lord Shiva
774NandishvaraOm Nandishvaraye NamahThe Lord of Nandi (the Bull)
775AnantaOm Anantaye NamahThe Infinite
776NagnavratadharaOm Nagnavratadharaye NamahThe One Who Wears the Clothing of Renunciation
777ShuchiOm Shuchaye NamahThe Pure, the Clean
778LingadhyakshaOm Lingadhyakshaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of the Lingam (Shiva's form)
779SuradhyakshaOm Suradhyakshaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of the Devas (Gods)
780YogadhyakshaOm Yogadhyakshaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of Yoga
781YugavahaOm Yugavahaye NamahThe One Who Bears the Age or Era
782SvadharmaOm Svadharmaye NamahThe One Who is the Upholder of One’s Duty
783SvargataOm Svargataye NamahThe One Who Grants Access to Heaven
784SvargakharaOm Svargakharaye NamahThe One Who Creates Heaven
785SvaramayasvanaOm Svaramayasvanaye NamahThe One Who is the Sound of Music or Voice of All Creation
786VanadhyakshaOm Vanadhyakshaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of the Forests
787VijakartaOm Vijakartaye NamahThe One Who is the Creator of All
788DharmakritaOm Dharmakritaye NamahThe One Who Creates Dharma (Righteousness)
789DharmasambhavaOm Dharmasambhavaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Dharma
790DambhaOm Dambhaye NamahThe One Who is Devoid of Hypocrisy
791AlobhaOm Alobhaye NamahThe One Who is Free from Greed
792ArthavitaOm Arthavitaye NamahThe One Who is the Master of Wealth and Actions
793ShambhuOm Shambhuve NamahThe Beneficent, the One Who Brings Goodness
794SarvabhutamaheshvaraOm Sarvabhutamaheshvaraye NamahThe Supreme Lord of All Beings
795ShmashananilayaOm Shmashananilayaye NamahThe One Who Dwells in the Cremation Grounds
796TrykshaOm Trykshaye NamahThe One Who Has Three Eyes
797SetuOm Setuye NamahThe One Who is the Bridge (Reference to Lord Rama)
798ApratimakritiOm Apratimakritaye NamahThe One Who Has an Incomparable Form
799Lokottaras-putalokaOm Lokottarasputalokaye NamahThe One Who is Beyond the Reach of All Worlds
800TrymbakaOm Trymbakaye NamahThe Three-Eyed One (a Reference to Lord Shiva)
801NagabhushanaOm Nagabhushanaye NamahThe One Who is Adorned with Serpents
802AndhakariOm Andhakaraye NamahThe One Who is the Destroyer of Darkness
803MakhadveshiOm Makhadveshaye NamahThe One Who is the Enemy of the Demons
804VishnukandharapatanaOm Vishnukandharapatanaye NamahThe One Who Brings Down the Shoulder of Lord Vishnu
805HinadoshaOm Hinadoshaye NamahThe One Who is Free from All Faults
806AkshayagunaOm Akshayagunaye NamahThe One Who has Infinite Virtues
807DakshariOm Daksharaye NamahThe One Who is the Master of Daksha's actions
808PushadantabhitOm Pushadantabhitye NamahThe One Who is the Ultimate in Power
809DhurjatiOm Dhurjataye NamahThe One Who is the Master of Meditation
810KhandaparashuOm Khandaparashuye NamahThe One Who Wields the Axe (Parashu)
811SakalaOm Sakalaye NamahThe One Who is Complete, All-encompassing
812NishkalaOm Nishkalaye NamahThe One Who is Without Parts or Attributes
813AnaghaOm Anaghaye NamahThe Sinless, the Pure, the Infallible
814AkalaOm Akalaye NamahThe Timeless, the One Who Transcends Time
815SakaladharaOm Sakaladharaye NamahThe One Who Holds Everything Together
816PandurabhaOm Pandurabhaye NamahThe One Who Has a Pale or White Color
817MridaOm Mridaye NamahThe Soft or Gentle One, the Kind-hearted
818NataOm Nataye NamahThe Dancer, the One Who Performs Dance
819PurnaOm Purnaye NamahThe Complete, the Fulfilled
820PurayitaOm Purayitaye NamahThe One Who Fulfills or Completes
821PunyaOm Punyaye NamahThe One Who is Full of Virtue and Goodness
822SukumaraOm Sukumaraye NamahThe Delicate, the Gentle
823SulochanaOm Sulochanaye NamahThe One with Beautiful Eyes
824SamagayapriyaOm Samagayapriyaye NamahThe One Who is Fond of Songs and Music
825AkruraOm Akruraye NamahThe One Who is Untroubled or Calm
826PunyakirtiOm Punyakirtiye NamahThe One Who is Known for His Virtue and Good Deeds
827AnamayaOm Anamayaye NamahThe One Who is Free from Disease
828ManojavaOm Manojavaye NamahThe One Who Moves Swiftly Like the Mind
829TirthakaraOm Tirthakaraye NamahThe One Who is the Creator of Sacred Places
830JatilaOm Jatilaye NamahThe One Who Has Matted Hair
831JiviteshvaraOm Jiviteshvaraye NamahThe Lord of Life, the Sustainer of All Life
832JivitantakaraOm Jivitantakaraye NamahThe One Who Ends the Life of All Beings
833NityaOm Nityaye NamahThe Eternal, the Everlasting
834VasuretaOm Vasuretaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of All Wealth
835VasupradaOm Vasupradaye NamahThe One Who Grants All Wealth
836SadgatiOm Sadgataye NamahThe One Who Leads to Liberation
837SatkritiOm Satkritaye NamahThe One Who Performs Great Deeds of Virtue
838SiddhiOm Siddhaye NamahThe One Who is Perfection or Accomplishment
839SajjatiOm Sajjatiye NamahThe One Who is Consistent in Nature
840KalakantakaOm Kalakantakaye NamahThe One Who Destroys Time
841KaladharaOm Kaladharaye NamahThe One Who Holds Time
842MahakalaOm Mahakalaye NamahThe Great Time, the Destroyer of Time
843BhutasatyaparayanaOm Bhutasatyaparayanaye NamahThe One Who is the Truth of All Beings
844LokalavanyakartaOm Lokalavanyakartaye NamahThe Creator of the Universe and All Worlds
845LokottarasukhalayaOm Lokottarasukhalayaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Supreme Happiness
846ChandrasanjivanaOm Chandrasanjivana NamahThe One Who Revives the Moon
847ShastaOm Shastaye NamahThe One Who is the Teacher or Instructor
848LokagudaOm Lokagudaye NamahThe One Who is the Dweller of All Worlds
849MahadhipaOm Mahadhipaye NamahThe One Who is the Supreme Ruler of the Universe
850LokabandhuOm Lokabandhaye NamahThe One Who is the Protector of All Beings
851LokanathaOm Lokanathaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of the Universe
852KritajnaOm Kritajna NamahThe One Who is Grateful, the One Who Knows All
853KrittibhushanaOm Krittibhushanaye NamahThe One Who is Adorned with the Marks of the Earth
854AnapayaOm Anapaye NamahThe One Who is Beyond the Reach of Pain and Suffering
855AksharaOm Aksharaye NamahThe Imperishable, the One Who is Unchanging
856KanthaOm Kanthaye NamahThe Neck or the One Who has a Beautiful Neck
857SarvashastrabhudvaraOm Sarvashastrabhudvaraye NamahThe One Who is the Master of All Sciences
858TejomayaOm Tejomayaye NamahThe One Who is Full of Light and Radiance
859DyutidharaOm Dyutidharaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Light or Radiance
860LokagraniOm Lokagranaye NamahThe One Who is the Head of All the Worlds
861AnuOm Anuye NamahThe Smallest, the Subtle
862ShuchismitaOm Shuchismitaye NamahThe One Who is Always Smiling and Radiant
863PrasamnyatmaOm Prasamnyatmaya NamahThe One Who is Calm and Content
864DurjjeyaOm Durjjeyaye NamahThe One Who is Invincible or Impossible to Defeat
865DuratikramaOm Duratikramaye NamahThe One Who Cannot Be Overcome
866JyotirmayaOm Jyotirmayaye NamahThe One Who is Full of Light
867JagannathaOm Jagannathaye NamahThe Lord of the Universe
868NirakaraOm Nirakaraye NamahThe One Who is formless and beyond the comprehension of the senses
869JaleshvaraOm Jaleshvaraye NamahThe Lord of the Waters
870TumbavinaOm Tumbavinaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Music
871MahakopaOm Mahakopaye NamahThe One Who is the Great Wrathful
872VishokaOm Vishokaye NamahThe One Who is Beyond Sorrow
873ShokanashanaOm Shokanashanaye NamahThe One Who Removes Sorrow
874TrilokapaOm Trilokapaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Three Worlds
875TrilokeshaOm Trilokeshaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of the Three Worlds
876SarvashuddhiOm Sarvashuddhiye NamahThe One Who is the Purity of All Things
877AdhokshajaOm Adhokshajaye NamahThe One Who is Beyond the Reach of the Senses
878AvyaktalakshanaOm Avyaktalakshanaye NamahThe One Who is Beyond Manifestation or the Unmanifested
879DevaOm Devaye NamahThe Divine, the God
880VyaktavyaktaOm Vyaktavyaktaye NamahThe One Who is Both Manifest and Unmanifest
881VishampatiOm Vishampataye NamahThe Lord of the Universe, the Master of All
882VarashilaOm Varashilaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Supreme Strength
883VaragunaOm Varagunaye NamahThe One Who is Full of Virtue and Good Qualities
884SaramanadhanaOm Saramanadhanaye NamahThe One Who Supports All Animals and Beings
885MayaOm Mayaye NamahThe One Who is the Illusion or the Creator of Illusion
886BrahmaOm Brahmaye NamahThe Creator, the One Who Originates All
887VishnuOm Vishnuve NamahThe Preserver, the Protector of the Universe
888PrajapatiOm Prajapataye NamahThe Lord of Creation, the Father of All Living Beings
889HamsaOm Hamsaye NamahThe Swan, the One Who is the Embodiment of Spiritual Knowledge
890HamsagatiOm Hamsagataye NamahThe One Who Moves Like a Swan, the Eternal Traveler
891VayaOm Vayaye NamahThe Wind, the Breath of Life
892VedhaOm Vedaye NamahThe Knowledge, the One Who is the Essence of the Vedas
893VidhataOm Vidhataye NamahThe Creator, the One Who Determines Destiny
894DhataOm Dhataye NamahThe Sustainer, the One Who Holds Everything Together
895SrashtaOm Srashtaye NamahThe One Who Creates, the Creator of the Universe
896HartaOm Hartaye NamahThe Destroyer, the One Who Removes All Obstacles and Suffering
897ChaturmukhaOm Chaturmukhaye NamahThe One Who has Four Faces
898KailasashikharavasiOm Kailasashikharavasaye NamahThe One Who Dwells on Mount Kailash
899SarvavasiOm Sarvavasaye NamahThe One Who is Present Everywhere
900SadagatiOm Sadagataye NamahThe One Who Leads to Liberation
901HiranyagarbhaOm Hiranyagarbhaye NamahThe Golden Womb, the Source of Creation
902DruhinaOm Druhinaye NamahThe One Who is Free from Enmity
903BhutapalaOm Bhutapalaye NamahThe Protector of All Beings
904BhupatiOm Bhupataye NamahThe Lord of the Earth, the King of the Universe
905SadyogiOm Sadyogaye NamahThe One Who is Always in Union with the Divine
906YogavitOm Yogavitage NamahThe Master of Yoga, the One Who Knows Yoga
907YogiOm Yogaye NamahThe One Who Practices Yoga, the Ascetic
908VaradaOm Varadaye NamahThe One Who Grants Boons and Blessings
909BrahmanapriyaOm Brahmanapriyaye NamahThe One Who is Beloved of Brahma, the Creator
910DevapriyaOm Devapriyaye NamahThe One Who is Loved by the Gods
911DevanathaOm Devanathaye NamahThe Lord of the Gods, the King of the Celestial Beings
912DevajnaOm Devajnaye NamahThe One Who is Worshiped by the Gods
913DevachintakaOm Devachintakaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of the Gods' Desires
914VishamakshaOm Vishamakshaye NamahThe One Who has Unequaled Eyes, the All-seeing
915VishalakshaOm Vishalakhshaye NamahThe One Who has Large, All-seeing Eyes
916VrishadaOm Vrishadaye NamahThe One Who is the Upholder of Righteousness
917VrishavardhanaOm Vrishavardhanaye NamahThe One Who Increases Righteousness and Virtue
918NirmamaOm Nirmamaye NamahThe One Who is Free from Attachment and Ego
919NirahamkaraOm Nirahamakaraye NamahThe One Who is Free from Ego
920NirmohaOm Nirmohaye NamahThe One Who is Free from Delusion and Illusion
921NirupadravaOm Nirupadravaye NamahThe One Who is Free from Obstacles and Troubles
922DarpahaOm Darpahaye NamahThe One Who Removes Arrogance
923DarpadaOm Darpadaye NamahThe One Who Destroys Arrogance
924DriptaOm Driptaye NamahThe One Who is Proud and Resplendent
925SarvabhutaparivartakaOm Sarvabhutaparivartakaye NamahThe One Who Transforms All Beings
926SahasrajitOm Sahasrajitaye NamahThe One Who is the Conqueror of Thousands
927SahasrarchiOm Sahasrarchiye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Thousand Rays
928PrabhavaOm Prabhavaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of All Things
929SnigddhaprakritidakshinaOm Snigddhaprakritidakshina NamahThe One Who is Kind and has a Gentle Nature
930BhutabhavyabhavannathaOm Bhutabhavyabhavannathaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of the Past, Present, and Future
931BhutinashanaOm Bhutinashanaye NamahThe One Who Destroys All Misery
932ArthaOm Arthaye NamahThe One Who is the Embodiment of Meaning and Purpose
933AnarthaOm Anarthaye NamahThe One Who Removes Misfortune
934MahakoshaOm Mahokashay NamahThe One Who is the Great Treasure
935ParakaiyaikapanditaOm Parakaiyaikapanditaye NamahThe One Who is the Supreme Scholar of Ultimate Knowledge
936NishkantakaOm Nishkantakaye NamahThe One Who is Free from Bondage
937KritanandaOm Kritanandaye NamahThe One Who Brings Supreme Bliss
938NirvyajaOm Nirvyajaye NamahThe One Who is Without Deception
939VyajamardanaOm Vyajamardanaye NamahThe One Who Destroys Deception and Illusion
940SattvavanaOm Sattvavanaye NamahThe One Who is the Embodiment of Goodness
941SattvikaOm Sattvikaye NamahThe One Who is Pure and Righteous
942SatyakirtiOm Satyakirtiye NamahThe One Who is Renowned for Truth
943SnehakritagamaOm Snehakritagamaye NamahThe One Who is the Creator of Affection and Love
944AkampitaOm Akampitaye NamahThe One Who is Unshaken and Steady
945GunagrahiOm Gunagrahiye NamahThe One Who Accepts and Appreciates Virtue
946NaikatmaOm Naikatmaye NamahThe One Who is the Sole Soul
947NaikakarmakritaOm Naikakarmakritaye NamahThe One Who Performs Diverse Actions
948SupritaOm Supritaye NamahThe One Who is Well-pleased and Content
949SumukhaOm Sumukhaye NamahThe One Who Has a Pleasant Face
950SukshaOm Sukshaye NamahThe One Who is Subtle and Small
951SukaraOm Sukaraye NamahThe One Who is Auspicious and Beautiful
952DakshinanilaOm Dakshinanilaye NamahThe One Who Has the Southern Wind as His Vehicle
953NandiskandhadharaOm Nandiskandhadharaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Staff of Lord Nandi
954DhuryaOm Dhuryaye NamahThe One Who is the Resplendent One
955PrakataOm Prakataye NamahThe One Who is Manifest and Displayed
956PritivardhanaOm Pritivardhanaye NamahThe One Who Increases the Earth’s Prosperity
957AparajitaOm Aparajitaye NamahThe One Who is Invincible and Unconquerable
958SarvasattvaOm Sarvasattvaye NamahThe One Who is the Soul of All Beings
959GovindaOm Govindaye NamahThe One Who Protects the Universe, the Lord of Cows
960AdhritaOm Adhritaye NamahThe One Who Sustains and Supports All
961SattvavahanaOm Sattvavahanaye NamahThe One Who Bears the Essence of Goodness
962SvadhritaOm Svadhritaye NamahThe One Who is Self-sustained
963SiddhaOm Siddhaye NamahThe One Who is Perfected and Accomplished
964PutamurtiOm Putamurtiye NamahThe One Who is the Pure and Holy Form
965YashodhanaOm Yashodhanaye NamahThe One Who Increases Fame and Glory
966VarahabhringadhrikaOm Varahabhringadhrikaye NamahThe One Who Holds the Boar’s Horn
967BhringiOm Bhringaye NamahThe One Who is the Ascetic and Devotee
968BalavanaOm Balavanaye NamahThe One Who is Possessed of Supreme Strength
969EkanayakaOm Ekanayakaye NamahThe One Who is the Only Leader
970ShrutiprakashaOm Shrutiprakashaye NamahThe One Who Illuminates the Vedas and Scriptures
971ShrutimanaOm Shrutimanaye NamahThe One Who is Knowledgeable in the Vedas
972EkabandhuOm Ekabandhuve NamahThe One Who is the Sole Companion
973AnekakritaOm Anekakritaye NamahThe One Who has Performed Many Actions
974ShrivatsalashivarambhaOm Shrivatsalashivarambhaye NamahThe One Who Bears the Shrivatsa Symbol
975ShantabhadraOm Shantabhadraye NamahThe One Who is the Embodiment of Peace and Goodness
976SamaOm Samaye NamahThe One Who is Calm and Peaceful
977YashaOm Yashaye NamahThe One Who is Glorious and Famous
978BhushayaOm Bhushayaye NamahThe One Who is the Lord of the Earth
979BhushanaOm Bhushanaye NamahThe One Who is the Adorner of All
980BhutiOm Bhutaye NamahThe One Who is the Source of Bliss and Wealth
981BhutakritaOm Bhutakritaye NamahThe One Who Creates All Beings
982BhutabhavanaOm Bhutabhavanaye NamahThe One Who Sustains All Beings
983AkampaOm Akampaye NamahThe One Who is Unshaken and Steady
984BhaktikayaOm Bhaktikayaye NamahThe One Who is the Embodiment of Devotion
985KalahaOm Kalahaye NamahThe One Who is the Master of Disputes and Fights
986NilalohitaOm Nilalohitaye NamahThe One Who is Blue in Color
987SatyavrataOm Satyavrataye NamahThe One Who is the Upholder of Truth and Oath
988MahatyagiOm Mahatyagaye NamahThe One Who is the Greatest Renunciant
989NityashantiparayanaOm Nityashantiparayanaye NamahThe One Who is the Eternal Source of Peace
990PararthavrittiOm Pararthavrittiye NamahThe One Who Works for the Welfare of Others
991VibikshuOm Vibikshuve NamahThe One Who is a Renunciant or Ascetic
992VisharadaOm Visharadaye NamahThe One Who is Well-versed in Knowledge and Wisdom
993ShubhadaOm Shubhadaye NamahThe One Who is the Giver of Auspiciousness
994ShubhakartaOm Shubhakartaye NamahThe One Who is the Doer of Good and Auspicious Deeds
995ShubhanamaOm Shubhanamaye NamahThe One Who has an Auspicious Name
996ShubhaOm Shubhaye NamahThe One Who is Auspicious and Virtuous
997AnarthitaOm Anarthitaye NamahThe One Who Removes All Misery and Woe
998AgunaOm Agunaye NamahThe One Who is Without Defects
999SakshiOm Sakshaye NamahThe One Who is the Witness to All
1000AkartaOm Akartaye NamahThe One Who is the Doer of No Action

Significance of Lord Shiva Sahasranama Names

The Shiva Sahasranama, which means ‘the thousand names of Lord Shiva,’ holds great significance in Hinduism. Whoever chants these powerful Shiv 1000 names with pure devotion gets Lord Shiva’s blessings, and no problem can ever touch him. For example, when Lord Vishnu recited all the thousand names of Lord Shiva, he received the ‘Sudarshan chakra’ as a token of appreciation.

Mahadeva, the ‘lord of spirits,’ protects his devotees from negative energies, misfortune, and bad omens. Even Lord Krishna recited the importance of Shiva Sahasranamavali in the 17th chapter, Anushasana Parva of Mahabharata. He mentioned chanting all the Shiva 1000 names with purity, devotion, and no interruption equals performing Ashavamedha Yagna.

Frequently Asked Questions

The 1000 names of Lord Shiva are known as Shiva Sahasranama. According to Hindu mythology, there are eight versions of Shiva Sahasranama names, such as Anushasana Parva, Shanti Parva (Mahabharata), Linga Purana, and Shiva Purana.
Devotees who chant the Shiv 1000 name with full devotion are believed to get Lord Shiva’s blessings. Chanting Shiva Sahasranama also helps devotees attract peace, clarity, and inner strength.
According to the Linga Purana, Lord Vishnu was the first to recite all 1000 names of Lord Shiva. Pleased with his devotion, Lord Shiba gifted Lord Vishnu the Sudarshan Chakra.
To chant the Shiva Sahasranamavali effectively, one must first create a peaceful and calm atmosphere. Then, focus on reciting Lord Shiva's name with correct pronunciation and no pause or break in between. Using a rosary (mala) can also be effective.
There is no specific time to chant Shiv 1000 names. One can chant these powerful names at their convenience. But chanting the names during Pradosh Kaal (morning time) on Monday and Shivratri gives devotees more effective results.
The northeast direction is ideal for chanting the 1000 names of Shiva. According to Vastu Shastra, Lord Shiva is the owner of the northeast direction. So, chanting the names in this direction will please him and get his blessings sooner.
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